Refereed Publications
*indicates graduate student coauthor
Zahl, M. L., Piatt, J. A., Stanojevic, C., Cole, S., & Green, H. D. (2024). Shelter-in-place during the COVID-19 pandemic: Impact on secondary health conditions, anxiety, loneliness, social isolation, social connectedness, and positive affect and well-being. The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 1–7.
Stanojevic, C., Piatt, J., & Sabanovic, S. (2024). Attitudes of Special Educators Towards Use of Socially Assistive Robots for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Serbia and the United States. Journal of Special Education Technology, 0(0).
Stanojevic, C., Piatt, J., Allsop, J, Fecske, C., Kim, Y., Kim, Y., Simic-Stanojevic, I., Lee, J. (2024). Perspectives on clinical supervision: Recreational therapy and the need for rigorous clinical supervision. American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 23(3), 17–26.
Collins*, S., Stanojevic, C., Bennett, C., Henkel, Z., Baugus, K., Piatt, J., Bethel, C., Sabanovic, S. (2024). The Ins and Outs of Socially Assistive Robots: Sensors and Behaviors of a Therapeutic Robot for Depression Management. 2024 33rd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (ROMAN), 1624–1629.
Bennett, C., Stanojevic, C., Oh, J., An, J., Jeon, Y., Son, K., Abbott, N. (2024). Digital Health Sensor Data in Autism: Developing Few Shot Learning Approaches for Traditional Machine Learning Classifiers. 2024 IEEE 20th International Conference on Body Sensor Networks (BSN), 1–4.
Kim, S., Bennett, C., Henkel, Z., Lee, J., Stanojevic, C., Baugus, K., Bethel, C., Piatt, J., Sabanovic, S. (2023). Generative Replay for Multi-Class Modeling of Human Activities via Sensor Data from In-Home Robotic Companion Pets. Intelligent Service Robotics.
Lee, J., Bennett, C., Stanojevic, C., Kim, S., Henkel, Z., Baugus, K., Piatt, J., Bethel, C., Sabanovic, S. (2023). Detecting Cultural Identity via Robotic Sensor Data to Understand Differences during Human-Robot Interaction. Advanced Robotics, 1-14.
Stanojevic, C., Bennet, C., Henkel, Z., Collins, S., Baugus, K., Piatt, J., Sabanovic, S. (2023). Conceptualizing Socially-Assistive Robots as a Digital Therapeutic Tool in Healthcare. Frontiers in Digital Health, 5, 1208350.
Collins, S., Baugus Henkel, K., Henkel, Z., Bennett, C. C., Stanojevic, C., Piatt, J. A., Bethel, C., & Sabanović, S. (2024, March). ” An Emotional Support Animal, Without the Animal”: Design Guidelines for a Social Robot to Address Symptoms of Depression. In Proceedings of the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (pp. 147-156).
Bennett, C.C., Sabanovic, S., Stanojevic, C., & Piatt, J. (2023). Real-world human-robot interaction data with robotic pets in user homes in the United States and South Korea [Dataset]. Dryad Repository.
Bennett, C, Sabanovic, S., Stanojevic, C., Henkel, Z., Kim, S., Lee, J., Baugus Henkel, K., Piatt, J., Yu, J., Oh, J., Collins, S., Bethel, C. (2023). Enabling robotic pets to autonomously adapt their own behaviors to enhance therapeutic effects: A data-driven approach. 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN). Special session paper.
Dawson, S., Stanojevic C., Lomax, L., McCormick, B., Wheeler, L., Tamas, D., Eminovic, F. (2023). Disability in Southeast Europe: Qualitative Analysis of a Faculty Led Study Abroad Program. Therapeutic Recreation Journal.
Stanojevic, C., Kim, Y., Piatt, J., & Kim, J. (2023). The Inclusive Adaptive Sport Program on a College Campus: Changing the Narrative. Recreational Sports Journal, 15588661231156140.
Bennett, C., Stanojevic, C., Kim, S., Sabanovic, S., Lee, J., Piatt, J., Yu, J., Oh, J. (2022). Comparison of In-home Robotic Companion Pet Use in South Korea and the United States: A Case Study. Publication in the Proceedings of the 9th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob 2022)
Piatt, J. A., Stanojevic, C., Stanojevic, I. S., Fischer, A. R., & Kim, J. (2022). Attitudes Toward Sexual Wellness for Individuals with Disabilities: Recreational Therapists’, Practitioners’, and Students’ Perspectives. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 56(2), 143-157.
Piatt, J., Simic Stanojevic, I., Stanojevic, C., Zahl, M, Richmond, M., Herbenick, D. (2022). Sexual Health and Woman Living with Spinal Cord Injury: The Unheard Voice. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences 3:853647. doi: 10.3389/frecs.2022.853647
Stanojevic, C., McIntire, J., Bowen, A., Eldridge, L., Dawson, S., McCormick, B., Tamas, D. (2022). Establishing an Evidence- Based Program through an International Collaboration in Recreational Therapy. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 56(1), 1-16.
Dawson, S, McCormick, B., Tamas, D., Stanojevic, C., McIntire, J., Bowen, A., Eldridge, L., McKissock, B. (2022). Equine Assisted Therapy with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Serbia and the US: A Pilot Study Intervention. Therapeutic Recreation Journal 56(1), 17-38.
McKissock, B., Bowen, A., Dawson, S, McCormick, B., Stanojevic, C., Eldridge, L., McIntire, J., Tamas, D. (2022). Development of an evidence- based manualized equine- assisted therapy intervention for adolescents & young adults with autism spectrum disorder. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 56(1),39-54.
Stanojevic, C., Bennet, C., Piatt, J., Sabanovic, S. (2022). Utiliying Ecological Momentary Assessment Longitudinal Approach and Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change for In-Home Socially-Assistive Robots. Human Robot Interactions, IEEE, ACM/IEEE international Conference on Human Robot Interaction.
Piatt, J., Stanojevic, C., Simic- Stanojevic, I. (in press, 2022). Sexual health as a recreational therapy facilitation technique: The viewpoints of practitioners. Therapeutic Recreation Journal.
Bennet, C., Stanojevic, C., Sabanovic, S., Piatt, A., Kim, S. (2021). When No One is Watching: Ecological Momentary Assessment to Understand Situated Social Robot Use in Healthcare. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Human- Agent Interaction (p. 245-251).
Eldridge, L., Nagata, S., Piatt, J., Stanojevic, C., Sabanovic, S., Bennet, C., Randall, N. (2021). Utilization of Socially Assistive Robots in Recreational Therapy. American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 19(2), 35-45.
Stanojevic, C., Neimeyer, T., Piatt, J. (2021). Sexual health of individuals living with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and complexities of sexual health. Sexuality and Disability, 39(2), 345-356.
Taylor, J., Piatt. J., Stanojevic, C., Crandall, J. (2020). Bingocize beyond the numbers: Motivations and perceptions of a multicomponent health promotion program for older adults living in long- term care. American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 19(1), 23-34.
Stanojevic, C., Tamas, D., Krejic, S., Djuric, J., Stanojevic, B. & Miladinovic, M. (2017). Use of the assistive technology while working with young people with multiple disabilities. Education, electronic communication and new technologies. Thematic collection of papers of the international significance, Drustvo Defektologa Vojvodine – Novi Sad, Serbia
Refereed Presentations
*indicates graduate student coauthor
Abbott*, N., Stanojevic, C., McCormick, B., Dawson, S., Schline, K. (2024). Ripple Effects of Study Abroad Experiences for RT Students. American Therapeutic Recreation Association. Kansas City, MO
Li, F.*, Yuan, S., McAnirlin, O., Browning, M., Stanojevic, C., & Bennett, C. (2024, July). EchoSphere: A synchronous virtual reality research platform for environmental emotion research and intervention [Paper presentation]. Real Emotions and Affect in Extended Realities Conference, Milan, Italy
Collins*, S., Stanojevic, C., Bennett, C., Henkel, Z., Baugus, K., Piatt, J., Bethel, C., Sabanovic, S. (2024). The Ins and Outs of SARs: Sensors and Behaviors of a Therapeutic Robot for Depression Management. IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN).
Collins*, S., Baugus Henkel, K., Henkel, Z., Bennett, C. C., Stanojevic, C., Piatt, J. A., Bethel, C., & Sabanović, S. (2024, March). “An Emotional Support Animal, Without the Animal”: Design Guidelines for a Social Robot to Address Symptoms of Depression. In Proceedings of the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (pp. 147-156).
Li*, F., Stanojevic, C., & Gagnon, R. J. (2024). Artificial intelligence in academia: Some upsides, downsides, and unknowns. The Academy of Leisure Sciences. New Orleans, LA
Stanojevic, C., Piatt, J. (2023). Attitudes of Recreational Therapists Working with Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder Towards Adoption and Implementation of Socially Assistive Robots. American Therapeutic Recreation Association. Saint Louis, MI
Bennett, C. C., Šabanović, S., Stanojević, C., Henkel, Z., Kim, S., & Lee, J. (2023). Enabling robotic pets to autonomously adapt their own behaviors to enhance therapeutic effects: a data-driven approach. In IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RoMAN)
Stanojevic, C., Piatt, J. (2023). Indulgence vs Restraint: Takeaways from the Cross-Cultural Study Conducted in Serbia and the U.S. The Academy of Leisure Sciences, New Orleans, LA
Piatt, J., Stanojevic, C., Zahl, M. (2022). Social Isolation and Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury During Covid-19 Pandemic. Academy of Spinal Cord Injury Professionals (ASCIP), Kansas City
Stanojevic, C. (2022.) Comparing Pain Management Choices of Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury Living in the Netherlands and the United States. International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Lisbon, Portugal
Stanojevic, C. (2022). The Management of Pain Among Community-Dwelling Adults with a Spinal Cord Injury. Poster presentation at International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Lisbon, Portugal
Bennett, C., Stanojevic, C., Kim, S., Sabanovic, S., Lee,J., Piatt,J., Yu, J., Oh, J. (2022). Comparison of In-home Robotic Companion Pet Use in South Korea and the United States: A Case Study. Poster presentation in the 9th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob 2022)
Stanojevic, C., Piatt, J. (2022). Use of Ecological Momentary Assessment in Recreational Therapy. Recreational Therapists of Indiana, Elletsville, IN.
Stanojevic, C., Bennet, C., Sabanovic, S., Piatt, A., Kim, S. (2021). When No One is Watching: Ecological Momentary Assessment to Understand Situated Social Robot Use in Healthcare. The Ninth International Conference on Human- Agent Interaction.
Stanojevic, C., Simic- Stanojevic, I., Piatt, J. (2021). Recreational Therapy Students’ and Practitioners’ Perspectives on Sexual Wellness and Disabilities. American Therapeutic Recreation Association Annual Conference.
Cordle, J., Bowen, A., Perez, T., Stanojevic, C., McCool, S., Hooker, T., Oudheusden, A. (2021). Graduate Student Panel. American Therapeutic Recreation Association Annual Conference.
Kim, Y., Kim, J., Piatt, J., Stanojevic, C. (2021). Health matters: Adapted Taekwondo for adolescents and young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities from parents’ perspectives. 16th World Leisure Hybrid Congress.
Eldridge, L., Stanojevic, C., Piatt, J., Nagata, S., Bennet, C., Sabanovic, S. (2021). Attitudes and Beliefs of Incorporating Social Assistive Robots in Recreation Therapy Practice. American Therapeutic Recreation Association Annual Conference.
Simic- Stanojevic, I., Piatt, J., Stanojevic, C. (2020). Sexuality and individuals with intellectual disabilities. Therapeutic Recreation Association Annual Conference.
Kim, Y., Kim, J., Piatt, J., Stanojevic, C. (2020). Health benefits of adapted Taekwondo practice for adolescents with intellectual and developmental disabilities from parents’ perspectives. Poster presentation, Therapeutic Recreation Association Annual Conference.
Simic- Stanojevic, I., Piatt, J., Stanojevic, C. (2020). Sexuality and individuals with intellectual disabilities. Therapeutic Recreation Association Annual Conference, Webinar.
Stanojevic, C. (2020). Leisure and Consumerism. The Academy of Leisure Sciences, Champagne- Urbana, IL.
Stanojevic, C., Bouwcamp, C., Davis, E., & Piatt, J. (2019). The impact of adaptive sport on the college experience for disabled veterans. The School of Public Health Research Day, Indiana University – Bloomington.
Dawson, S., McCormick, B., Tamas, D., Stanojevic, C., Bowen, A., McIntire, J., Eldridge, L. (2019). Effect of a Manualized Equine Assisted Therapy Intervention for Adolescents & Young Adults with Moderate to Severe Autism Spectrum Disorder in Serbia & U.S.A. Therapeutic Recreation Association Annual Conference.
Bowen, A., McIntire, J., Eldridge, L., Stanojevic, C., Dawson, S., McCormick, B., Tamas, B. (2019). International Equine- Assisted Therapy Curriculum – Galloping Towards Success. Poster Presentation at Therapeutic Recreation Association Annual Conference.
Stanojevic, C., Piatt, J, Kamendulis, L. Sabanovic, S. (2019). Effects of Socially Assistive Robots on Cortisol Levels of Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) – A Pilot Study. Poster presentation at School of Public Health Research Day, Bloomington, IN.
Stanojevic, C., Piatt, J, Kamendulis, L. Sabanovic, S. (2019). Effects of Socially Assistive Robots on Cortisol Levels of Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) – A Pilot Study. School of Public Health Research Day, Bloomington, IN.
Stanojevic, C. (2018). Structure and goals of a center for a recreational therapy Bradford Woods, IN. Presented a paper on the science seminar “Dani Defektologa” – Novi Sad, Serbia.
Stanojevic, C. (2017). Analysis of teachers and students at typical school towards inclusion of children with special needs. Presented a paper on the gathering “U susret inkluziji dileme u teoriji i praksi” – Zlatibor, Serbia.